10000 Pyramid Game Online Free

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10000 Pyramid Game Online Free 5,6/10 2023 votes

Here is our detailed guide for pyramid solitaire how to play. Pyramid is played using a standard 52-card deck. If you're looking for a classic card game experience, try our pyramid solitaire free online game with standard face cards and card backs. You can naturally play with a novelty or custom deck if you want, but our guide will.

$100,000 Pyramid is a great computer version of The Pyramid game show, one of the most successful TV game shows ever made. The show was nominated 16 times for the Emmy Award, and won the Emmy nine times. This computer version is based on the latest version of the show, $100,000 Pyramid, hosted by John Davidson.The goal of this trivia quiz variant is to guess seven words in 30 seconds or less. The $100,000 Pyramid PC. The $100,000 Pyramid is a puzzle game which is an adaptation of the popular teletournament 'Pyramid'. Developers from the Sierra studio have prepared a set of 700 categories in which questions are arranged into a pyramid and provided with an animated introduction. The goal of this free online version of pyramid solitaire is to form card pairs that add up to 13. Click or tap each solitaire card in a pair to remove them from the game. You can only play cards that are not blocked by other cards—a 9 pairs with a 4, a 3 pairs with a 10, etc. Clear all the solitaire cards from the pyramid to win in this. The $100,000 Pyramid slot machine by IGT is now available online. Play this casino game for free instantly in your browser with no downloads required. Javascript is required to.

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  1. The $100,000 Pyramid
10000 pyramid game online, free play

The $100,000 Pyramid

DOS - 1988

Also available on: Commodore 64

4.53 / 5 - 34 votes

Description of The $100,000 Pyramid

$100,000 Pyramid is a great computer version of The Pyramid game show, one of the most successful TV game shows ever made. The show was nominated 16 times for the Emmy Award, and won the Emmy nine times.

This computer version is based on the latest version of the show, $100,000 Pyramid, hosted by John Davidson. The goal of this trivia quiz variant is to guess seven words in 30 seconds or less from a category that you select off the Pyramid. Played in three rounds, the team with the highest point total wins the game and moves on to the bonus round called The Winner's Circle for a chance at the grand prize.

10000 dollar pyramid game free online

The object here is to describe what the category is: one person gives the clues, and the category is then guessed by the contestant. If the contestant guesses all six categories in 60 seconds or less, he/she wins the grand prize.

This PC version of the show is very faithful to the original, although some of the questions are too obscure, and computer players' intelligence is quite low. Hundreds of trivia questions will likely keep fans entertained for hours, though, or at least the few minutes it'll take to reminisce about the golden days of television ;)

Recommended, and be sure to use slow down programs (e.g. MoSlo or Bremze) to make the game winnable.

Review By HOTUD

Captures and Snapshots

    Screenshots from MobyGames.com

Comments and reviews

LOBO2018-07-301 point DOS version

So the games don't run like they're on steroids, I use MO'SLO.COM with DosBox. An instance of MO'SLO.COM can be found inside the 'High Rollers' game folder.
Just drop the 1kb MO'SLO.COM file into a game folder and modify the batch (.BAT) file accordingly (if there is a batch file calling the game). Use this entry:
mo'slo /5 NAMEOFGAME.exe
(where NAMEOFGAME is the name of the game executable - 5 seems to be a good speed). If there is no batch file calling the game, you can make one with Notepad. Name it GAME.BAT Copy and Paste the following into GAME.BAT:
@echo off
mo'slo /5 NAMEOFGAME.exe
Edit the Dosbox Config. file (C:UsersyournameAppDataLocalDOSBox).
Example Dosbox Config. file 'autoexec' MOUNT lines:
In this example, GAME.BAT is calling the game with mo'slo, enabling it, the game, to run at a decent speed.

russ2016-10-080 point


lil paul2016-07-050 point DOS version


Ytsejammer2015-03-300 point DOS version

erm... try DosBox people!

Nomitron2014-02-060 point DOS version

This runs way too fast to play gives me less than one second to guess a word

Jimmy2013-06-050 point DOS version

Play 25 000 Pyramid Online

This game doesn't run right through Windows XP Home edition.Runs too quickly and I can't answer the questions properly.Does run well on a 486.

10000 Pyramid Game online, free

Max2013-03-171 point DOS version

Great game, and ignore the Amon moron. Stupid troll.

li2012-08-290 point DOS version

i love it

Amon2012-07-11-2 points DOS version

Whoever likes this game deserve to choke on a dick, including 'Justyn' with a y here. Serious, what a stupid name.

Justyn2009-10-041 point DOS version

I love old game shows. This is a great game. Very fun to play.

Write a comment

Share your gamer memories, help others to run the game or comment anything you'd like. If you have trouble to run The $100,000 Pyramid, read the abandonware guide first!

Download The $100,000 Pyramid

We may have multiple downloads for few games when different versions are available. Also, we try to upload manuals and extra documentations when possible. If the manual is missing and you own the original manual, please contact us!

Just one click to download at full speed!

DOS Version

Commodore 64 Version

  • Year:1988
  • Publisher:Box Office, Inc.
  • Developer:Box Office, Inc.

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The game is played much like the TV game show. We cut triangles out of posterboard,wrote the clue on one side, and pinned them to a bulletin board in the shape of a triangle. One team chooses a triangle by the clue. The Emcee then tells what the category is actually about. It is timed. We found they needed about a minute as they got almost no answers in 20 – 30 seconds. Each of the two teams (we used father/daughter teams) gets 3 sets of clues since there are 6 clues on the bulletin board. The team with the most points (one point per correct answer) moves on to the speed round. The clues the players give each other are printed on 3 x 5 cards with holes punched in the upper left corner of each and a brad inserted to hold them all together. To do the speed round we had the answers on triangles that were pinned to the bulletin board in the shape of a pyramid. We had a larger red triangles (also cut from posterboard)pinned over the answers. They were removed to reveal the next clue as the contestants got the answers right. The prizes were 100 Grand candy bars.


Road Trip!
Describe things related to Lehi leaving Jerusalem.
Zoram, Liahona, wilderness, Vision of Tree of Life, Ishmael, Laban

10000 Dollar Pyramid Game Free Online

History 101
Describe things related to Joseph Smith History
Epistle of James, sealed book, persecution, Moroni, gold plates, Kirtland,


Boy, It’s Dusty in Here!
Describe these prophets from the Book of Mormon
Enos, Alma, Nephi, Moroni, Abinadi, Mosiah

There’s a Call on Line 1
Describe Aaronic Priesthood Callings and Responsibilities
Priest, Pass the Sacrament, Bishop, Teacher, Baptize, Deacon

You’re Not Old!
Describe things related to Brigham Young
Beard, Utah, Carpenter, Zion, Colonizing, Governor

Happy Birthday!
Describe these spiritual gifts.
Healings, Visions, Tongues, Revelation, Knowledge, Interpretation of Tongues

In the Beginning
Describe things related to the Book of Genesis
Joseph, Rainbow, Melchizedek, Creation, Isaac, Cain

The Better Half
Describe these wives of prophets without saying her husband’s name
Rachel, Sarah-Abraham’s wife, Eve, Emma Smith, Rebeka, Sarah-Lehi’s wife

Ask the Doc
Describe these places revelations were given in the Doctrine and Covenants
Far West, MO; Manchester, NY; Nauvoo, IL; Kirtland, OH; Salt Lake City, UT;
Harmony, PA

Hail to the Prophet!
Describe these modern day prophets
Joseph F. Smith, John Taylor, Gordon B. Hinckley, Brigham, Young, Spencer W.
Kimball, Joseph Smith

Where are the Keys?
Describe these Priesthood holders who visited Joseph Smith to deliver the
keys of the Priesthood
James, Elijah, John, Moses, Peter, John the Baptist

There’s a Call on Line 2
Describe these offices and duties of the Melchizedek Priesthood
High Priest, Patriarch, Blessings, Elder, Apostle, The Seventy

He Ain’t Heavy, He’s My Brother
Describe these things related to the story of Nephi
Boat, Laman, Courageous, Laban, America, Gold Plates

10000 Pyramid Game online, free

Half a Dozen, Please!
Describe these Apostles of the New Testament
Luke, Peter, John the Beloved, James, Matthew, Paul

Oldies But Goodies
Describe these prophets of the Old Testament
Joshua, Isaiah, Moses, Samuel, Malachi, Abraham

Oh, What a Beautiful Morning!
Describe these things related to the First Vision
Prayer, Restoration, 14 years old, Palmyra, Pillar of Light, Father and the

$ 10000 Pyramid Game online, free

How ‘Bout a Pear?
Describe these things related to parables
The Lost Sheep, The Wheat and the Tares, The Prodigal Son, The Ten Virgins,
The UnMerciful Servant, The Talents

10 000 Dollar Pyramid Game Free Online

A Night to Remember
Describe things that were in Prophet’s dreams and visions
The Iron Rod, Angel Moroni, the Tree of Life, Wars, Jacob’s Ladder, the
Temple in Jerusalem
SPEED ROUNDS (use six per game) These are things you must list NOT
describe. ie. for Hymns you would start listing Hymns-Choose the Right;
Israel, Israel God is Calling; We Thank Thee, O God, For a Prophet; etc.

Things Helaman might say
Places where temples are located
Things Moses might say
Aaronic Priesthood Duties
Tribes of Israel
Things found in the Pearl of Great Price
Presidents of the Church
Things the Angel Moroni might say
Bishop’s Duties
Things found on Temple Square
Things Brigham Young might say
People in the Ward
Articles of Faith
Books from the Book of Mormon
Stories found in the Old Testament
What Jonah might say
What a missionary might say
Young Women Values
Members of the Ward Council